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Megatech License for BUDS

Rating: 5.0/3
  • Art.No:
  • Availability: Yes
  • Unit: License key
    • License key:
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 Unique ID of this page: Megatech 3341322012

MEGATECH - is a license of the B.U.D.S. software developers.

This license is not available to BRP dealers and distributors.
License Megatech is designed for advanced configuration of the electronic units, as well to clear the history and Information of blocks and to recover from incorrect updating.

It cover all BRP vehicles: SeaDoo, Can Am, Skidoo, Roadster.

Megatech License Features:

  • Changing the VIN and MODEL numbers (is useful for ECU replacing).
  • Advanced settings.
  • View stories in hours, rather than percentage.
  • Enabling/Disabling DESS (start vehicle with any key). Except Roadster Spyder.
  • Change the key type (normal, learning, rental) without his reprograming.
  • Clearing history of ECM, MPEM (is useful for ECU replacing).
  • Cleaning ECM, MPEM, CLUSTER "as new" (reseting the total vehicle hours of 4-TEC PWC SeaDoo).
  • View more information blocks.
  • Edit curves for 2-Stroke PWC SeaDoo.
  • Edit injector's coefficient for new E-TEC SkiDoo.
  • Increase the power of Spark 60 hp up to 90 hp.

Click here to view a few examples in the software BUDS.

If you want to try any license, please fill out this Request.
In reply we will send you the 7-days license + latest BUDS software.

We send a trial license only for MPI-2, MPI-3 Interfaces and only for BUDS 3-rd version.
BUDS 3-rd version does not support the MPI-1 Interfaces.
The serial number of MPI -2 Interface looks like this: 10000XXXX (where XXXX - can be any four numbers).
Correct serial number can be found on the top left corner of the "Access Privileges" window, or on the top menu MPI in the software BUDS, if MPI-2,
MPI-3 Interface is plugged into the computer.

Download license comparison chart for BUDS2 for free 

Added to the catalog: Tuesday, 18.12.2012
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