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DIUS ULA- Universal lambda adapter


ULA - Universal Lambda Adapter (hereinafter - the device) is designed to control the quality of combustion of the fuel mixture using a BOSCH LSU 4.9 lambda sensor. Currently the device supports two modes of operation:
1. Lambda to CAN - designed to transfer the values ​​and operating parameters of the lambda over the CAN bus
2. Lambda to WiFi BRP - transmission of lambda readings and engine operation, temperature, etc. via WiFi to any device (phone, tablet, computer) with saving the log of the transport in the device for further downloading and processing data.


To start using the device, you must perform the following steps:
1. Install the lambda sensor in the exhaust manifold of the engine or install an adapter for the lambda between the manifold and the exhaust pipe, depending on the type of vehicle.
2. Connect the lambda connector and vehicle OBD (diagnostic connector) to the device.
3. Activate the vehicle to power on the OBD, and then on the phone (tablet, computer) in the WiFi network settings you need to discover a new ULA network. Connect to it, the default password is 12345678.
4. In the phone's browser, enter the link to the device address, after which you will see the adapter settings:

5. You will need to enter the data of your Internet access point in order to connect to the server and download the firmware you have chosen to purchase and your REAL Email address so that you receive additional information about updates for your device.

If you entered everything correctly, then after clicking the "Connect to server" button, you will see that the device is connected to the Internet and ready to download the firmware to choose from (depending on the equipment you purchased), in my case you can choose from two options which are valid regardless of firmware, the process for all firmware is the same.

For example, I choose the first firmware, followed by a warning that the device can not be de-energized when updating the firmware and the process of loading the device

After the firmware download finishes, the device will reboot automatically, you will lose connection with the device for a while, so I recommend on your phone, tablet to set up automatic connection to WiFi ULA, in order not to reconnect to the device after reboot. We will see the updated window of the ready-to-work device:

In the WI-FI AP tab, you can change the network name and password of the access point to the device or leave the default if you are not using several devices at the same time.



1. Sample rate in sec: - lambda data transmission rate over the CAN bus (5.10 or 20 frames per second).
2. Averaging method: - Lambda data averaging method (RMS, Average, mAverage). The device collects data from the oxygen sensor 800 times per second. Further, groups of 40, 80 or 160 values ​​are processed, respectively, at a selected speed of 20, 10 or 5 logging data. Next, the data is processed through one of the selected filters.
2.1. The Average filter provides for a mathematical summation of 40, 80 or 160 values ​​(depending on the selected logging speed) and finding the average mathematical value for the selected reference period.
2.2. The RMS filter provides for finding the mean square value for the selected reference period.
2.3. The mAverage filter works in the same way as the Average filter, and then the average value is found taking into account the value of the averaging obtained in the past period.
3. Can Rate: - The CAN bus speed of your vehicle (250K, 500K).
4. Can Frame: - Standard (Std) or Extended (Ext) CAN bus address.
5. Can ID (HEX): - hex CAN address, which is used for sending lambda data frames.

Once all the settings have been made according to the protocol of your vehicle, click Save & Restart, the device will reboot to accept your settings and begin work on transferring the lambda data to the CAN bus. At the same time, the ERR LED flashes green, which means warming up the lambda. As soon as it stops flashing and glowing green, the lambda sensor is heated to the required temperature and the device transmits the correct data.


The settings of this mode are almost the same as the Lambda to CAN mode. After clicking the Start logger button you will see the working screen of the engine and lambda instruments:

1. RPM - Engine speed.
2. LAMBDA - Indications lambda sensor.
3. TPS - Throttle position angle (throttle knob).
4. IAP - Intake manifold pressure in kPa.
5. Intake Air ° С - Intake manifold (air) temperature in Celsius.
6. Engine ° C - Engine temperature in Celsius.
7. Exhaust ° C - The temperature of the exhaust pipe in Celsius.
8. Battery Volt - Battery Voltage in Volts.
9. Log Full% - The percentage of the memory used by the device to save the log.


In the Logs tab you will see the log files of your transport, which can be downloaded and opened in Excel for convenient tabular viewing and analysis.

Category: BRP | Added by: Admin (09.10.2019) | Author: DIUS ULA- Universal lambda adapter
Views: 1381 | Tags: DIUS ULA, Universal lambda adapter, ULA | Rating: 0.0/0
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